SeeUnsharp .NET Obfuscator is actively used by a large commercial and some smaller free .NET desktop applications since 2015. It has been tested and verified with over a dozen applications using numerous algorithms and framework features (WPF, Windows Forms, console, .NET 2.0–4.8).
System requirements
The obfuscation process can run on the following systems:
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP SP3
.NET Framework 4.0 or higher
.NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK or higher
(optional, for verification; included in Windows 8.1 SDK or higher and Visual Studio 2012 or higher) Download Windows 10 SDK, select only “.NET Framework 4.6 Software Development Kit”
The application to be obfuscated can use any of these supported technologies:
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher
Console, Service, Windows Forms, WPF with XAML
This list will be extended in the future.
That’s a funny name!
The name “SeeUnsharp” is derived from the name of the programming language C#, pronounced “C sharp” or “see sharp”. A name that fits well as C# is a very clear language and code written in it is easily understandable (if done right, of course). However, easy understanding is something we do not want for the released application assembly files. Nobody should be able to look into them and see how we did what we did. That is why we need code obfuscation, which by design cannot entirely hide the instructions but essentially veils them, puts a curtain on them through which the code appears very blurry and incomplete – you can only see it unsharp, not enough to follow it or even make any sense of it.
Who made it?
SeeUnsharp .NET Obfuscator is made by Yves Goergen in Erlangen, Germany. Yves specialises in .NET solutions since 2004, primarily desktop and web applications using WPF, Windows Forms and ASP.NET MVC, and deals with software development in general since the 1990s, mostly on the Microsoft platform, coming from Turbo Pascal, Visual Basic and C++. He works as a software developer and consultant for enterprise software and database solutions using several technologies since 2008. He follows clean code practices, aims for efficient workflows, and has a way with quickly finding the edge case of certain procedures to properly test them. Yves has published lots of his open-source work and productivity tools on his software website. In his free time he enjoys to travel and take photos of the world.